Grid elementsvtuple<GRID> Type

vtuple<GRID> Type

template<class GRID>
class vtuple;

template<class FaceOnCellIt>
vtuple<typename FacetOnCellIt::grid_type>
get_vertices(FacetOnCellIt const& f);

template<class GRID>
hash<vtuple<GRID> >;

The class template vtuple serves to hold a sufficient part of the vertex set of a Grid Facet in order to indentify it unambigously within a given grid.

Model of

STL Assignable
STL EqualityComparable
STL LessThanComparable
hash<vtuple<GRID> > is a model of STL HashFunction.


Defined in vtuple2d.h

Template parameters

Parameter Description Default
GRID the base grid  
FacetOnCellIt a facet-on-cell iterator for GRID  

Type requirements

GRID is a model of Grid and of Vertex Grid Range (it must publish the type vertex_handle).
FacetOnCellIt is a model of FacetOnCell Iterator and of Vertex Grid Range.

Public base classes


New members
Known uses

Used in Cell-neighbor-search.

  1. The type vtuple has only been implemented for two-dimensional grids. For general use, a compile-time switch on the combinatorial dimension of the grid has to be implemented.
See also

Guntram Berti

Grid elementsvtuple<GRID> Type